my scales glint in the light as you carry me over the water
its so quiet up here
your beak is hurting me, or, maybe
it could be that if i was a different fish, then it wouldn't hurt as much,
if i wasnt this wide or this long or if i had just grown stronger scales,
then your beak wouldnt be pressing on me so tightly
but despite all that you still havent punctured me
somehow, one way or another, i break free and fall from your
you drop me?
it happens so fast, it could be both
but i land now into the water
i see you above me and choose not to look anymore
you know,
i think i wouldn't have minded being eaten by you,
i think about it so much that i find you again,
i swim into your open and waiting mouth,
you were waiting for me!
and then we do it all over again
the glinting
the quiet
the hurting
the guilt
but one thing changes
you puncture me
my guts are touching the open air
i think you feel so bad for me that you let me fall again
and now i go down deeper into the water
than i have ever gone before
all i can think is
you are pretty bad at fishing